Travelling lighter tips

Below is a list of tips to help you travel lighter. Airline companies have become very strict with luggage allowance. But also, travelling lighter gives you more flexibility. And most importantly, it is better for our planet. Lighter luggage means lighter planes, lower fuel consumption and fewer carbon emissions.

Tip no 1: Do your homework

Making a list helps you identify which items you really need to take with you. Travel-checklist is a useful site to refer to. Find out from where you will be staying, whether they have towels, hairdryers etc... These items are bulky and can easily be borrowed.

Tip no 2: Use the right size luggage

If your suitcase is too big for the holiday you have just booked, borrow one from friends or family. We have a tendency to fill our suitcases whatever their size, even if we do not need all these things. Travel size toiletries are great to reduce the weight of your wash bag.

Tip no 3: Take old clothes

Pack old clothes which you will be happy to leave behind. That will give you room in your suitcase to bring back presents and souvenirs. I left my old walking boots in Cambodia while on honeymoon and brought back an amazing piece of art from Vietnam.

Tip no 4: Leave packaging at home

We sometimes buy new items to take on holiday (clothes, beauty products, gadgets). Try to remove as much packaging as possible and recycle it at home. You might not find recycling facilities once you get to your destination.

Tip no 5: Do you really need that heavy guidebook?

The first option is to photocopy the pages you need. The even better solution is to print off the pages of information you need from the Internet and you do not need to buy a guidebook at all!

One final tip from me is to wear bulky items like ski jackets or walking shoes. They take so much room and are pretty heavy.

What are your tips to travel lighter? Share them with us and I will add them to the list.

Many thanks and happy travelling from Tiptoe Traveller!


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